cogito ergo sum.

“New research by American oldness profs has revealed that senior citizens who believe that age affects memory are self-fulfilling prophets. They score much worse on memory tests than those who don’t believe in decline with age” —Oldsters: If you think you’ll lose your memory, you will

That’s informative. I’m convinced that you can achieve nearly anything if you really want to. The other way around it also works according to this article.
Therefore, if you are very pessimistic you’ll probably see more bad things than other people. And if you are very optimistic you’ll probably see more good things than other people.

In conclusion, pursue your goals in life, believe in yourself and be a bit optimistic.

Addition: programmer personality [statistic]

I’ve repeated my information search for better accuracy. Moreover, I’ve added an column char with the single personality factors.
Maybe I’m going to crawl Google’s results for improving accuracy.

Source: Google. searched term: “DHLC” +programmer

programmer personality

Your programmer personality type is:

I found this test quite interesting and it’s possible effect on hiring/formation of teams. What would be if people would use this or a more detailed version in the hiring process? Let’s analyze the four different categories:

Doer and Planner
It’s a bit like traditional hacker and software architect. I think it’s more a synergy than a contest. Software architects (planners) plan modules and there are doers who implement them.

High level and Low Level
Low level programmers are rather encountered in embedded system programming, operating system programming and the like. In contrast, high level programmers work on web applications, desktops applications etc.

Solo situation and Team
That’s interesting. Most projects are projects with more than one person. There are definitely exceptions (David Heinemeier Hansson) but generally it’s teamwork.

Conservative Programmer and liBeral programmer
It’s a bit complicated. Doolwind distinguishes between over-commenting and under-commenting. There was a large debate about this (Coding Without Comments). I’m inclined to less but useful comments.

So, would it affect the hiring process? Maybe, the last two points could be crucial. The other points are very job title related, therefore the result is much likely fixed.


Source: Google. searched term: “DLSC” programmer

Take the test: What programmer personality type are you?

Small features, big impacts

APL. Lisp. VBA. These are all programming languages. Everyone offers various modules, syntaxes and ideas. One thing is interesting. The more advanced a programming languages is that you’ve used, the more you wish their features in other languages. Lisp is certainly the most famous example with dynamic typing, garbage collection and macros.
I do really enjoy high level programming. I adapt quite easily to many features of various programming languages. Beginning with garbage collection to pattern matching and if I return after a long time from Python and Haskell to C or C++ I really miss some features.
A very simple example.

#define MAX_VAL 100
int values[MAX_VAL] = {1, 9, 2, ...};
int i;
int sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_VAL; i++)
    sum += values[i]
printf("Sum is %i\n", sum);


values = [1, 9, 2, ...]
print "Sum is", sum(values)

The second solution avoids even side-effects.
However, I understand some things about esr’s attitude better. He wrote:

I suggest you should use Python, to avoid C programming on jobs that don’t require C’s machine efficiency.

(How to Become A Hacker)