Decouple your application with (Domain-)Events
- Big controllers
Big models
No abstraction of business rules
- “A significant change of state”
No return value
No way to stop the execution
Event as state approach (enables event sourcing)
The Internet is your Application Blueprint
- The internet is designed as a decoupled s ystem
Why are we building monolithic systems?
The return of SOA
Comment as a Service (FB, Disque)
Authorization as a Service (FB, Twitter, OpenID)
Video as a Service (Youtube, Vimeo)
Plattform as a Service (AWS, Heroku)
Think in protocols / interfaces instead of implementations
The Clean Code Talks – “Global State and Singletons”
- “It never said that it needed that” (regarding the lack of DI and use of Singletons)
Simplify your code with annotations
also able to add-
to convert request parameters to objects -
for Validation -
The sound and video isn’t that good sadly.
Diving Deep Into Twig
The video starts off with a simple overview over Twig and goes into creating own extensions. I’m again surprised how simple this is. The main part is an introduction into the workflow of the Twig compiler.
You could also use Twig templates with meta programming and just compile heavy compilations once and let them generate by Twig.
Updates Goals:
- Learn Symfony2
- Learn a bit more about MySQL
- Write at least one web app using Symfony2 and its core components (templating, testing, forms, validation, security)
- Watch one video per day on average
Progress status
In Progress
- Watch one video per day on average [69 of 75]