Kick Butt With Internal Site Search Analytics
- Understand site search usage: What are they looking for?
- On which site do people search?
- How good are the search results?
- What do people search for after they search for one term?
- Measure outcomes
PPC / SEM Analytics: 5 Actionable Tips To Improve ROI
- Compare keyword performance for different search engines / PPC sites
- Focus on what’s changed, otherwise there’s just too much data
- Look at your impression share
- How is your ROI distributed – exceeds, meets or underwhelms expectations?
- How are the keywords matched?
Analysis Ninjas: Leverage Custom Reports For Better Insights!
- Start with goals: Where is the company spending money? How is the bonus of your boss calculated? What is the worst thing on your company’s website?
- Include outcomes
- Reduce the number of reports
- Match metrics up to reader – Personalize
- Talk to people and understand what motives them
3 Advanced Web Analytics Visitor Segments: Non-Flirts, Social, Long Tail
- Non-Flirts, Potential Lovers: Page Depth bigger than 3 (depending on the distribution)
- Social Media, Baby: Tag your links and track by referrer
- Search Queries With Multiple Keywords [3, 4, 5, 10, 20]: Match keyword ->
Three Amazing Web Data Analyses Techniques For Analysis Ninjas
- Calculate costs / profits for micro-conversions
- Bring ratios / quotas into context: 0.01% conversion = 100 of 1,000,000 visitors convert
- Not every visitor is convertible: only return and of return only valuable traffic (e.g. people visiting the pricing info)