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Video: Successful Web Analytics Approaches by Avinash Kaushik

Again a great video, this time about Web Analytics by Avinash Kaushik. I just love his no-BS style.

  • Ask the metric: So what? Three times, if it don’t give an action it’s useless
  • Data should drive action
  • Give people the information they need – don’t send them everything => no death by data
  • Home pages of websites, are no longer the home page you want
    • Where do people come from?
    • What are they looking for?
  • Context matters: previous months, years, etc.
  • Relative numbers more important than absolute numbers
  • Compare different metrics, e.g. conversion rate and page views
  • non e-commerce sites:
    • averages hide truth effectively
    • How often do they visit?
    • How recent did they visit?
    • Depths of visit
    • => Understand the value: Loyalty
  • Segment people
  • Survey people: What do they think about the content?
  • Bounce rate: Came and left
    • Segment by source, entry-page, landing pages, etc.

Rules for Revolutionaries

  • 10/90 Rule: $10 Tools, $90 People: Understand Data & Business, Able to analyze => to extract value
  • Reporting is not analysis: Reporting -> provide data; Analysis -> prove insights
  • Data Quality can be low, but is still better than other data
  • Faith-based initiative: e.g. magazine ad without tracking
  • Make decisions, don’t argue about the quality of the data
  • Over time understand why quality is different -> confidence will get better


  • Decision making is a journey, not a destination
  • => Put some level of process in place, mostly for tasks, e.g. what happens to implement a test, etc.
  • if HiPPo (highest paid person’s opinion) makes the most decisions
  • => make experiments
  • Learn to be wrong, quickly
  • => You probably don’t know what your customers want
  • => Experimentation

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