Tip #3: Turbocharge Your SEM/PPC Analysis
- Measure your Bounce Rate
- Understand how vendors work
- Measure cannibalization rate vs. organic
- Experiment and Test
- Understand the multi goal of your site
- Measure the value of long tail keywords
Tip #4: Make Your Analysis/Reports “Connectable”
- Make dry stuff more approachable
- e.g. Flirters = Visitors with three pages or less
- You can always include the definition if people are interested in it
- You can link it up in a persona way
Tip #7: The Adorable Site Abandonment Rate Metric
- Site Abandonment Rate = [1 – (total orders placed on the website) / (Total add to cart clicks)]
- Checkout Abandonment Rate = [1 – (total number of people who complete checkout) / (total number of people who start checkout)]
- Now you can segment, test and improve your rates
Tip #13: Measure Macro AND Micro Conversions
- Macro Conversions: Buy something on your site
- Micro Conversions: Write a review, sign up the email newsletter, etc.
- Not all visitors want to buy something, therefore measuring micro conversions reveals more truth
Tip #15: Measure Latent Conversions & Visitor Behavior
- Don’t just focus on immediate results — look a month later on the behavior of the acquired visitors
- Especially for community-based websites (social networks, boards, etc.) later behavior is more important than just the sign up
- Measure Loyality, Requency, Frequency
Tip #16: Brand Evangelists Index
- Survey: Not at all satisfied, not satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied, extremely satisfied
- Problem: Satisfaction rate is not very informative
- Solution
- Aim for delight
- Penalize for negative rating
- Index the results for communication
- => Brand Evangelist Index (BEI): [[(Very Sat + Ext. Sat.) – (Not Sat. + Not At All Sat.)] / #Responses ] * 100
Tip #18: Make Love To Your Direct Traffic
- Direct traffic is traffic that is driven by people who seek you actively out
- Problem: Direct traffic can result from improperly tagged links / urls
- Avoid:
- Missing WA tags on landing pages
- Untagged campaigns
- Improperly tagged campaigns
- Improperly coded redirects / vanity urls
- Non Async tag
- Links encoded in JS can be problematic
- https to http and vice versa don’t send referrers
- Multi and sub domains problems
Tip #19: Identify Website Goal [Economic] Values
- What is the economic value of micro conversions?
- Assign campaign codes & track offsite converting goals
- Track online micro-conversions in offline systems
- Get the current “faith based” number from Finance
- Estimate relative goal values
- If everything else fails, just use $1